Introducing the Progress on Tailwind CSS v4.0

Hey Developer, The Tailwind CSS v4.0 is Here !! 🎉 I’ll try to keep it brief to save some of the excitement for the stable release, but if you like experimenting with the very early and experimental things, there should be plenty of information here to get you started.

⭕ What’s new:

✅ A new engine, built for speed
✅ Unified toolchain
✅ Create for Modern Web
✅ Composable variants
✅ Composable variants
✅ Zero-configuration content detection
✅ CSS-first configuration

⭕ A new engine, built for speed: The New Engine is Faster for build with less code. It builds up to 10x faster. The heavier native packages rewrite with Rust and Lightning CSS. Now it depends only on Lightning CSS. It makes its own CSS Parser and makes parsing over 2x as faster.

⭕ Unified toolchain: Now the tailwind CSS is not only a plugin, it’s an all-in-one tool for processing CSS. No need to set and configure a tool like `postcss-import` it has now built-in @import handling. Also, no need to add `autoprefixer` for the project. Now it has support nesting CSS also. It supports modern CSS features like colors and media queries for better browser support.

⭕ Create for Modern Web: It now uses native cascade layers- @layer rules which solve a lot of problems. It defines custom properties @property to define custom proper types and makes it possible to do things like transition, and gradient background. Use color-mix for opacity modifiers.

⭕ Composable Variant: The new architecture makes it possible to compose together variants that act on other selectors, like group-*, peer-*, has-*, and a new not-* variant.

⭕ Zero-configuration content detection: Now tailwind crawl your entire project and look for template files, using a bunch of heuristics we’ve built in to keep things fast, like not crawling directories that are in your .gitignore file, and ignoring binary file formats. It also now uses Vite plugin to increase the development process.

⭕ CSS-first configuration: A major goal of Tailwind CSS v4.0 is making the framework feel CSS-native, and less like a JavaScript library. Once you’ve installed it, you add it to your project with a regular CSS @import statement and then use it as a CSS variable.

⭕ What Changed:

✅Removed deprecated utilities
✅PostCSS plugin and CLI are separate packages
✅No default border-color
✅Rings are 1px by default

📄 Acknowledgment to Tailwind Official Documentation.

#tailwindcss #tailwind #webdevelopment #webdesign

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